HBA-Indigo Bangkok

In mid April, our team was invited by HBA to shoot one of their latest designs: Hotel Indigo Bangkok. Coincidentally, it was the Thai New Year also known as the Songkran. The people splashed water to celebrate their traditional start of the year and walked the streets with water pistols in hand. The city was full of a festive atmosphere.

 On the second day, we spent the morning doing a recce, picking shooting angles and sending them to client to choose the angles they considered the best. On this occasion, the hotel had previously invited another photographer to shoot for them before us and the client wanted us to shoot different angles. So after reviewing the photos they already had we chose different angles.

 With the New Year came a plethora of tourists meaning we had to choose a good time to shoot, especially in lobby, the restaurant and the exterior while not affecting the hotel’s business. Inevitably this caused issues such as when we shot the rooftop swimming pool, we wanted to capture a dusk mood but this was the busiest time in that area so in the end we had to compound sections together with Photoshop.

The funniest incident was when we shot the exterior, it was the last day of Songkran and everyone had tried their best to splash us with water! The camera once set up can’t be moved as it’s bad for layering when we doing the retouching. When people on the street looked at you with a lovely face, you knew something terrible was about to happen. You could not shout “NO!” because the splashing is seen as blessing. We used my backpack to cover the camera when we were not shooting. At the end of this shot I had been splashed three times while Scott was splashed only twice thankfully the camera survived!

Thanks to everyone who offered their kind help during the shoot, thank you to the hotel Indigo and HBA crew. If you are going to travel in Thailand, I highly recommend you to try the restaurant in Indigo. Here are the photos we shot this time!  




