Moving Studio - 搬家

In March we moved into a new studio because of the municipal program, our old studio and a large area around it will be knocked down. We were asked to move out before April, which means we only had three months to find a new home. We took action quickly and soon had several options. We finally chose the Creativity Warehouse to be our next working location.

When we started to pack, we found out how much stuff we really had in our studio. With everything taken out the studio floor was completely covered. We gathered cardboard boxesclassify different items and put them into the different boxes. We packed at least ten big boxes, which did not even include photography equipment. We must thank the moving company who were really good and very organized. Even though it took two trips to transferred all the items. Our big ancient Chinese wooden door and a plus two meters high mirror both very big and heavy, took 4 men to move each of them. When we moved in, the construction team had already finished the earlier stage of construction. We retained the general layout pattern of the old studio, but we changed floor into white gray and use a semitransparent creamy curtain to separate the equipment area and working area instead of the heavy black one. All of these factors made the new studio much brighter. All the furniture were retained and we reused the same planks to cover the outside wall. The new studio is near the Suzhou River, full of light, we all love the new environment. We welcome you are all to come visit.



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