Ultraviolet Chef Paul Pairet UV餐厅主厨 Paul Pairet

About three years ago, we did a portrait for chef Paul Pairet.  A couple of days ago, he contacted us, he said he needed a new portrait of him.

This time, he gave Scott a request. He wanted to be photographed right in front of the signature wall in the Ultraviolet restaurant. The wall is full of his customers’ signatures and beautiful comments on it. We asked ourselves how could we make this portrait interesting?

Because of Scott frequent work in UV he knew the space quite well .The night before at around 4a.m(His usual creative vision time) Scott came up with his idea. He decided to use ring flash to make strongly visional effect. Also when Scott saw the wall with signatures and comments which looks a lot like graffiti, he wanted to re-create the 80s New York graffiti style. 

At the beginning, Chef Paul couldn't grasp the idea with the ring flash, but once he saw the images he was happy.

Also you can see the previous portrait that we made three years ago. Which do you prefer? 

大约在三年前左右,我们帮Chef Paul拍过一组他个人肖像照。前几天,他打电话跟我们说他需一组新的肖像照。



开始拍摄时,主厨不是太不明白Scott的点子和环形闪光灯可以带来的效果。但是当Chef Paul一看到照片后,他十分的满意。


2014 Chef Paul 

2014 Chef Paul 

2011 Chef Paul

2011 Chef Paul