Jing-An Shangri-La Fashion Show 静安香格里拉制服时装秀

A couple of days before the grand opening of the Jing An Shangri-La hotel, we had the pleasure of joining the state of the hotel meeting where all staff were invited to celebrate the hard work that everyone has put into preparing the hotel for it’s big opening weekend. We were there to help capture this joyous moment, filled with touching speeches and of course, the fashion show that showcased each department of the hotel’s beautifully designed uniforms. Below, you can see Justin and Kristian filming and shooting the behind-the-scenes preparation for the fashion show. We used a mixture of video footage as well as images to produce a lovely video depicting the anticipation and excitement of not only the event taking that place but the celebration of the hard work that was contributed to make this hotel one of the best in Shanghai.

静安香格里拉酒店开幕的前几天,我们有幸参与了酒店商议开幕式的会议并了解到周末会有一个非常隆重的开幕仪式。Limelight Studio在此期间负责拍摄抓住这些令人激动的时刻,当然振奋人心的开幕演讲部分也是必不可少的。开幕式的时装展示是酒店所有员工的制服秀。如下图 你会看到JustinKristian正在为fashion show拍摄幕后花絮,同时我们也会用一些幕后花絮照片作为我们的视频剪辑素材从而使后期方面更加完美,因为我们的服务也是基于香格里拉这个高端酒店品牌的效应。