Red Leaf Interiors and Exteriors 红枫内景和外景

Last time we focused on the lifestyle shots we did for Red Leaf Women's Hospital. Now we're here with the behind-the-scenes process, and final images for the interior and exterior images. 上次我们为红枫母婴中心拍摄了人物生活照,这次应邀来拍摄内镜与外景的照片。

Our intern Katie and Scott posing for the camera while adjusting the equipment angles. We're not just wearing those scrubs for fun. It's actually required for every individual to wear them once they enter the operating area. 摄影师Scott和实习生Katie正在…

Our intern Katie and Scott posing for the camera while adjusting the equipment angles. We're not just wearing those scrubs for fun. It's actually required for every individual to wear them once they enter the operating area. 摄影师Scott和实习生Katie正在调整设备位置以便得到最佳拍摄角度,衣着方面,我们穿上了防护服可有效防止细菌扩散,这也是每一位人员进入手术室必须要穿戴的。

Our client goes in to adjust some equipment. While we were shooting this shot, the first delivery ever at Red Leaf happened. 我们的客户准备检查一些设备以供拍摄能够顺利进行,然而就在我们拍摄这一张照片的时候,医院的第一例分娩诞生了。

Our client goes in to adjust some equipment. While we were shooting this shot, the first delivery ever at Red Leaf happened. 我们的客户准备检查一些设备以供拍摄能够顺利进行,然而就在我们拍摄这一张照片的时候,医院的第一例分娩诞生了。

Lots of trees, lots of green around the Red Leaf grounds. 红枫母婴中心的庭院中一片绿意盎然。

Lots of trees, lots of green around the Red Leaf grounds. 红枫母婴中心的庭院中一片绿意盎然。

The sky that day was bright and blue, a rarity in Shanghai. 天空晴朗,云朵清晰可见,这样的天气对上海来说也是少有。

The sky that day was bright and blue, a rarity in Shanghai. 天空晴朗,云朵清晰可见,这样的天气对上海来说也是少有。

Searching for an angle with some flowers... 寻找一些带花的拍摄角度。

Searching for an angle with some flowers... 寻找一些带花的拍摄角度。

Scott up on the scissor lift, 8m off the ground while holding his umbrella while the owner of the entire hospital looks on (in white). The lift was just big enough to fit one person along with the tripod. The wind after the storm was blowing the lif…

Scott up on the scissor lift, 8m off the ground while holding his umbrella while the owner of the entire hospital looks on (in white). The lift was just big enough to fit one person along with the tripod. The wind after the storm was blowing the lift just a bit, and with long exposures, it was difficult to get a clean shot. We used a balance of a higher ISO in order to have shorter shutter speeds (keeping in mind to not raise the ISO too high to limit grain/noise). 摄影师Scott站在8米高的升降梯上,一手要看护好相机一手要拿着雨伞。母婴中心的老板(图中白色衬衣)则抬头向上看到。升降梯的空间只够一人站立外加三脚架。暴风雨后的冷风吹着升降梯微微晃动,对于拍摄长曝光值的照片则稍微有些困难。我们只有提高相机中的ISO参数以此来减少曝光时间。(记住:拍摄长曝光值的照片一定不要让ISO值过高以免照片太多噪点)

A guard looks up as we set up on the roof for one of our exterior angles. 当我们拍外景准备确定拍摄角度时,一位门卫正在抬头向上看。

A guard looks up as we set up on the roof for one of our exterior angles. 当我们拍外景准备确定拍摄角度时,一位门卫正在抬头向上看。

We shot multiple exteriors for Red Leaf due to the owner being unhappy with the angle. The first angle (picture directly below) was used temporarily, but had too much of the other hospital buildings, as the owner preferred to focus more on the main building. We ended up taking a few more angles before finally getting a scissor lift and taking the finalized shot (pictured at the bottom). Which do you prefer?  我们拍摄了多个外景角度以供客户可以仔细挑选。第一个角度(下图第一张)暂时被选上,但是照片中医院的其他建筑物略多了一些,而客户希望观者能将焦点放在主建筑物上。除此之外,我们还拍摄了一些其他角度的外景照片。(如下图第二张)你们喜欢哪一张呢?

This is the angle taken from the roof. The owner preferred to show less of the brick buildings (also part of the hospital), and focus on the main building. 这张是站在房顶上所拍,客户希望砖造的建筑能够在画面中少一些这样能够更加突出主建筑物的特点。

This is the angle taken from the roof. The owner preferred to show less of the brick buildings (also part of the hospital), and focus on the main building. 这张是站在房顶上所拍,客户希望砖造的建筑能够在画面中少一些这样能够更加突出主建筑物的特点。

The owner finally liked this exterior angle, and the sky is the actual sky on that night. This shot was taken with Scott on the scissor lift (pictured above) right after a relatively brief, but powerful thunderstorm; it was still raining when this w…

The owner finally liked this exterior angle, and the sky is the actual sky on that night. This shot was taken with Scott on the scissor lift (pictured above) right after a relatively brief, but powerful thunderstorm; it was still raining when this was shot. The rain turned out to be a bit of a blessing in disguise as the storm cleared the sky and created a dramatic view.  最终客户选择了这张角度,是摄影师Scott站在升降梯上所拍。天空的晴朗十分美丽,但是暴风雨有些强烈,当在拍摄中时仍旧阴雨不断然而随着时间的推移雨停了天空乍现出一片奇幻之景。