Marriott Shanghai Parkview 上海宝华万豪酒店宣传

In February 2014 on a cold winter day, we took shots for the Marriott Shanghai Parkview, including this exterior shot.

We arrived early in the morning at the hotel with all the equipment for a full day of shooting - including tripods, lighting, cameras, and more. We followed a strict shooting schedule through the day covering 5 shots: bedroom, lobby, ballroom, VIP room, and exterior. Previously, we had gone through during our scouting and picked out angles for each shot with the final selection ultimately by the client.

With hotel shoots, we have adapted our lighting style to allow us to move freely about the hotel with minimal disturbance to guests and staff. This requires us to piece and layer our interiors in sections rather than lighting it all at once, so it's important to visualize how the image will come together in Photoshop.

For example, the lobby shot required us to move around the furniture in order to satisfy the client's desire to fill up the empty floor space. We had to shoot each sofa in sections as guests often would rest there, so our lighting method allows us to move to light a different section of the same shot until the guest moves. For the front reception area, the client wanted staff in the shot, so it was merely asking staff to hold still for a moment while we lit them individually with a softbox that mimicked the lamp lighting. Again, it's important to keep in mind the pieces as they will combine in post (ie: Photoshop) so blending and lighting areas in a seamless way to have the desired final outcome.

For the exterior, it was a bit different; we needed a little help of a fork lift in order to get high enough for a better perspective. Typically in this situation, you can use a tilt-shift lens in order to change the plane of focus and therefore get an entire building into focus, but there is no replacing merely "being higher up." For this exterior, we opted to shoot at dusk as the balance of the night sky and the building lights balance out nicely. We had a little bit of weather difficulties with some snow(!) and rain, but we ended up with some nice options that the client loved.

2014年的2月份我们受Marriott Shanghai Parkview酒店的邀请,为酒店拍摄外景内景宣传照。




Scott up 7-8m on the fork lift. As there is less light at dusk, it's necessary to have longer exposures to capture the proper exposure. At the same time, we need to keep in mind to have our ISO high enough in order to not have the exposure too long,…

Scott up 7-8m on the fork lift. As there is less light at dusk, it's necessary to have longer exposures to capture the proper exposure. At the same time, we need to keep in mind to have our ISO high enough in order to not have the exposure too long, as the disadvantage of a fork lift on a windy day is that there WILL be some minor movement regardless of precautions taken. Long exposure + movement = blur. Scott站在7到8米高的梯子上进行拍摄,由图可见,天色渐晚所以需要长时间曝光来拍摄同时还要保持相机ISO参数在一个适当范围。而在有风的天气下进行拍摄由于梯子可能会轻微晃动所以会出现虚焦的情况.

Up higher on the lift: We liked the higher perspective due to the reflection in the glass of a cityscape. The client loved both angles, but ended up choosing the angle to the right. 这是站在梯子上拍摄的一张外景角度照片,我们喜欢这张照片传达的感觉,特别是玻璃上的反光夜景显得更加通透。客户对左右两张都十分喜爱但最后选…

Up higher on the lift: We liked the higher perspective due to the reflection in the glass of a cityscape. The client loved both angles, but ended up choosing the angle to the right. 这是站在梯子上拍摄的一张外景角度照片,我们喜欢这张照片传达的感觉,特别是玻璃上的反光夜景显得更加通透。客户对左右两张都十分喜爱但最后选择了右边的这一张。

At ground level: As you can see the building is a bit more distorted because of the perspective; however, the client liked the fact that the building appears taller. 站在地平线上拍摄,你可以看见酒店由于透视关系有一些倾斜,而客户最终选择这一张因为酒店看起来更佳雄伟。

At ground level: As you can see the building is a bit more distorted because of the perspective; however, the client liked the fact that the building appears taller. 站在地平线上拍摄,你可以看见酒店由于透视关系有一些倾斜,而客户最终选择这一张因为酒店看起来更佳雄伟。