El Willy Lobster Ceviche El Willy-龙虾酸橘汁腌鱼

Continuing our series of short and simple videos with some of Shanghai’s most famous chefs, we this time got yet another chef-heavyweight – Willy Trullas Moreno aka. El Willy.

His restaurants has emerged to become a staple on the food scene in Shanghai, and with El Willy relocating to Bund 22, and opening Elefante on Donghu Rd, El Coctel and Bikini on Yongfu Rd, and Fofo by El Willy in Hong Kong – Willy keeps proving his skills as a chef and business man.

The charismatic spaniol and his crew chose a lovely Ceviche, made with live Boston lobster and Leche De Tigre. This dish was inspired from a trip Willy had to South America, and while normally Ceviche is simply raw fish cooked in lime juice, this ceviche is a bit more fun and flavourful. This shows well that Willy’s  style of cooking is contemporary and fun compared to other traditional tapas restaurants.

We spent about half a day shooting with the crew in their small and lively kitchen. Lighting was a huge challenge because of the small space, but we managed to work around it without annoying the kitchen staff too much.

For post production we really looked into the style of El Willy to do something that fits the image – therefore going for colorful and playful graphics, paired with a song from the spanish film ”Mujeres al Borde de un Ataque de Nervios”, which is being referenced in El Willy’s latest menu.

We hope you enjoy it, and that you try cooking this dish at home, as well as visiting El Willy for a great food experience.

Also, look forward to our next chef videos! Buen provecho!

又到了在博客上展示上海一系列知名厨师博文的时候了,这一次要向大家介绍的是另一位重量级的厨师,即为知名西班牙餐厅El Willy的主厨——Willy Trullas Moreno

他所经营的餐厅已经渐渐在竞争激烈的上海餐饮业里占有一席之地,随着El Willy改迁到外滩22号,东湖路上的Elefante和永福路上的El Coctel和Bikini,另外还有至香港开设的Fofo餐厅等不同风格的餐厅纷纷开业,Willy不断地证明自己不仅仅是一位具有天赋的厨师,更是一位成功的企业家。

这位极具超凡魅力的西班牙人和他的团队邀请Limelight Studio拍摄这道令人垂涎欲滴的料理:波士顿龙虾酸橘汁腌鱼——以新鲜的波士顿龙虾和俗称Tigers milk做的料理。这道佳肴是Willy去南美旅行时受启发所创。虽然通常情况下酸橘汁腌鱼仅仅是把鱼切成薄片后浸入青柠汁,但由El Willy所开创的这道酸橘汁腌鱼则又多了一点与众不同的风味。同时也显露出相比其它传统西班牙式小餐馆,Willy的烹饪风格是充满现代感而又富有情趣


在后期制作中,我们认真的去研究了El Willy的个人风格,并且尝试做了一些适合画面感觉的效果,因此我们加上了一些丰富多彩幽默生动的图形,配乐的选择上则用了西班牙的经典电影“崩溃边缘的女人”里的一首歌,且电影中的元素也被引用到El Willy最新的餐单上。

我们诚挚的希望你会喜欢这段影片,更重要的是不仅仅在家尝试烹饪这道菜,有机会也要光顾El Willy餐厅,亲自享受一个难忘美好的用餐体验。
