Calypso Restaurant Jing An Shangri-La - 静安香格里拉Calypso地中海餐厅

Calypso Restaurant Shangri-La

Calypso Restaurant Shangri-La

A couple of months ago, Jing An Shangri-La opened it's new Mediterranean restaurant, Calypso. We were of course present to capture the event. Throughout the night there was a great variety of guests, lots of free food and drinks, and overall we got a good introduction to their newest dining concept which is located in a beautiful pavilion outside of the actual hotel.

The challenge with this shoot was the fact that the whole restaurant is mostly one big room, and as the time passed, there were only so many things to shoot. To control the situation a bit more,  we shot tight details and faces, blending that with a couple timelapses and steadicam shots to keep it dynamic.

After the opening, Calypso has gone on to getting great reviews and now serving a packed house everyday. One of our favorite tidbits about the new restaurant is the stone pizza oven handpicked and brought in from Italy and can make a pizza in well under a minute (~40 seconds). We recommend you to try Calypso for yourself!

不久前,静安香格里拉大酒店隆重揭幕了位于静安嘉里中心Calypso地中海餐 很荣幸地又一次受邀拍下精彩的开幕活。一整晚,有各式各的客人莅,Calypso也免招待多美食以及酒水。且整体而言,我其餐的玻璃棚建筑外,坐落在酒店旁的周围环境以及他们别具一格的餐概念做了一个很好的介

