Time Out Shanghai: Stolen Phone Tour / 上海停格:手机的神奇之旅

For this project Limelight teamed up with Time Out Shanghai in a covert operation to lead and document 2 very lucky people on an unforgettable tour of Shanghai. Showing some of the best events/locations Shanghai has to offer.

The concept was to leave an apparently “lost” phone on the street and wait for someone to take the bait. After the phone was picked up a message would be sent “Are you trying to steal our phone?!?” Depending on their answer the adventure began with a prompt to jump in a London Hackney cab that pulled up.

Stop 1 on the tour was to the back of a seemingly ordinary store where our couple could watch some of vintage film collector Liu Debao’s 3600 cultural revolution-era films. An experience in history and culture the pair saw the films projected in their original format, the film and viewing experience is a window in time to an era gone by.

On to stop 2 of the tour where we took the pair to a secret location for lunch at Paul Pairet’s exclusive Ultraviolet restaurant hidden in the deepest depths of Shanghai for a multi sensory experience that would forever render any other lunch for these 2 individuals obsolete.

After returning from the secret depths it was time for stop 3. The Jazz Bar at Peace Hotel featuring some amazing talents some of whom have been resident at the bar since the 1980s topping off an afternoon of culture, history and fine dinning.

It was time for the 2 to become many, we told them to get some friends together for Stop 4: Shouning Lu for the best street food Shanghai has to offer. Contrasting with the earlier lunch this time the group dined on the local food cooked on the streets of Shanghai.

The tour ended at Stop 5 in the expensive and exclusive bund side Bar Rouge where the group partied with champagne, cocktails and shots to the early hours of the morning ending in one of Shanghai’s more scenic nightspots.

To film this video a mix of hidden cameras and sneaky camera men where used in the pre planned locations with the intent on showing just a small snapshot of the amazing activities, venues and locations Shanghai has to offer.

这次的项目是由Limelight Studio Time Out Shanghai 一起共同合作。我们记录了两位幸运儿在上海一天的难忘旅程。本片中我们拍摄到一些上海最棒的活动和地点。






最后一站,我们将他们带回到外滩。我们将他们带到Bar Rouge。他们与他们的朋友一起畅饮我们为他们准备的香槟酒和调酒。在上海最美的夜景前结束了他们一天的旅程!


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