Sense of Touch Spa Promotional Shooting 日间水疗中心宣传拍摄

Sense of touch.jpg

CLIENTSense of Touch Spa

WHAT: Promotional images highlighting the award-winning spa

WHEN: October 2011

WHERE: Sense of Touch Spa located in Ferguson Lane

WHY: After successful openings in Hong Kong, Sense of Touch chose to break into Shanghai asking Limelight Studio to take their promotional shots for their new location in the French Concession.

HOW: Showing the peaceful and relaxing environment of the spa is key in these images. The lighting had to induce a clean, but warm feeling that radiated an inviting atmosphere. It was important for the client to include the package of bottles for their elite treatment, so we had to be sure to keep the table in focus enough to show the bottles without overpowering the rest of the image. For lighting, we used a softbox overhead to light the talent and another light to give a little kick to the background. We were sure to dial the power down in order to let a tiny bit of the ambient come through with the flickering candle in the background. Our talent had beautiful skin which enables us to do minimal work in post-production.  

CAMERA: Canon 10D EOS Mark II with 16-35mm & 70-200mm lens

PHOTOGRAPHY TEAM: Limelight Studio | Scott Wright, Justin Chiu, James Wang




拍摄缘由:在香港的开设大获成功后,日间水疗中心选择在上海法租界地区再开设一家分店并邀请Limellight Studio为他们拍摄宣传照片


拍摄相机:佳能5D MarkII1635&70200镜头

摄影团队 Limelight Studio | Scott Wright, Justin Chiu, James Wang