McDonalds McMuffin 麦当劳早餐宣传拍摄: 麦满分

McDonald's McMuffin 麦当劳麦满分

McDonald's McMuffin 麦当劳麦满分

CLIENT: McDonald's

WHAT: Morning Breakfast Promotional Shot: McMuffin

WHEN: January 2010 - This post marks the 4-year anniversary of this shot!

WHERE: Limelight Studio, Xizang Rd.

WHY: This was Limelight Studio’s first job with McDonald's as well as their first big product campaign shot. There were four product shots that took until four o’clock in the morning to complete!

HOW: For this shot, a mixture of tungsten and flash was used to keep the lighting consistent. What made this shot difficult were all the additional items that were involved in the image such as the wheat and eggs. The challenge was adding them without making the shot too congested or messy because then the eye wouldn’t know where to look. Therefore, finding a perfect balance where the props were beneficial to the image was essential.

FUN FACT: One of the lights we used for part of this shot was an every day flashlight/torch just to give a slight extra fill to the McMuffin. 

CAMERA: Hasselblad H3DII-39

PHOTOGRAPHY TEAM: Limelight Studio | Scott Wright, Justin Chiu, Seira Wei

ART DIRECTION: Leo Burnett | Fish Feng


拍摄对象:早餐宣传拍摄; 麦满分

拍摄时间:2010年1月 - 这篇博客是我们拍摄麦当劳的四周年纪念之作

拍摄地点:Limelight Studio, 西藏南路

拍摄缘由:这是Limelight Studio第一次为麦当劳拍摄也是我们第一次大型产品宣传拍摄。难度可想而知,因为共需要拍摄四组照片以至于到凌晨四点才收工。




摄影团队:Limelight Studio | Scott Wright, Justin Chiu, Seira Wei

艺术总监:Leo Burnett | Fish Feng