American Standard Sets 美标卫浴宣传拍摄

American Standard is still using our images on their website to this day.直至今日,美标依然在其网站上使用我们的照片。 

American Standard is still using our images on their website to this day.


WHO: American Standard

WHAT: Appliance and fixture promotional shots

WHEN: March 2008

WHY: Limelight Studio was commissioned by Interbrand and American Standard to help create a campaign to feature their new fixtures and appliances. American Standard wanted to produce a light airy feel to go with the new advanced appliances that they created. Everything had to look fresh, crisp, and sharp.


HOW: For this shoot, we needed to create three sets entirely from scratch. A warehouse outside of the city was rented, giving us a blank canvas / space to create any feel we needed.

Limelight spent a month designing the layout of three sets, taking all aspects of the composition into consideration. The tree used in the 1st image was brought in to add to the naturalistic element and the crew created a water wall to produce the drizzling effect outside the window.

In the end, it required the assistance of a forty-member assembly crew over the course of three, twenty-hour days to construct the three sets and install the lighting and flooring according to our designs. From there, it was just the “simple” matter of capturing the vision we created through our lens.

FUN FACT: The image at the top was so well received that American Standard ending up using it for their global campaign, including billboards across China. Many of the images are still being used on the American Standard website to this day. 

CAMERA: Canon EOS-1Ds Mark II with 16-35mm lens

PHOTOGRAPHY TEAM: Limelight Studio | Scott Wright, Cherry Qu, Kai Wong, Selene

PRODUCTION TEAM:Black and Cameron | Tao Wright, Daisy




缘由:Limelight Studio受邀于Interbrand公司,为全球卫浴领先品牌美标拍摄新产品宣传照片。美标希望我们能拍摄出一种清新,光线通透的自然感觉使其产品看起来更加干净,冷酷锐利。





相机:佳能1Ds MarkII及16-35镜头

摄影团队: Limelight Studio | Scott Wright, Cherry Qu, Kai Wong, Selene

制作团队:Black and Cameron | Tao Wright, Daisy

This shot ended up being used worldwide and on billboards across China. 这张照片被用于全球范围的宣传以及中国国内的户外展示。 

This shot ended up being used worldwide and on billboards across China. 
