Car Shot - Ferrari California T

Early May this year we went to the Shanghai Ferrari center to work with the new Ferrari California T. Absolutely stunning vehicle to work with.

Our process of shooting was based on shooting the car in its existing surroundings and then compositing it into new landscapes that would capture the viewer with a big wow factor.

Shooting took us most of the day in their tailor made room where we were using flash and tungsten lighting to achieve our effect. It was a new process which we have been researching for most of this year and are beginning to refine the style and now starting to get the results we have been wanting to achieve.

After shooting we then moved the images over to our post production team who worked many hours to make sure the color tones , angles and style all fitted together perfectly like one big puzzle.

We really enjoyed this project and look forward to our next assignment shooting with these beautiful machines.


今年的五月初,我们来到了上海法拉利中心拍摄新款法拉利California T。这绝对是一台超赞的跑车。



