Princess Cruise - 公主邮轮号

In June 2014, we started a journey to Korea by sea as we began our production for the Princess Cruise. The shoot became the biggest project to date for Limelight’s video production team. The entire studio staff joined and we even had to hire two foreign videographers to help as well as a stylist, make-up artist and models in total an entourage of 20 people. The equipment was a huge task with many different sizes of bags and containers including equipment such as dolley tracks and a full size jib, enough to fill 3 vans. We began in Shanghai where we boarded the ship to South Korea.


This trip was an actual functioning luxury cruise full with guests on the ship. We had to constantly avoid the crowds, but with the great support of the Princess Cruise crew we were always in good order. Moving from one shooting location to another however was a challenge with all the equipment since the ship was huge(2 football fields) and we could only walk there. The weather was another factor that we could not control but luckily the last day we left from Pusan,Korea  the evening provided a very beautiful scene to capture what we had hoped for. The final shooting location was the outdoor cinema on top of the ship and that day the weather was very bad as it rained constantly during that scene but everyone were very dedicated to the work and worked hard until the bitter end where we finally got all the footage we needed. The rain dropped down harder and a gale wind blew crazily till the moment we finished shooting and started packing all the equipment.


Now let’s take a look at our accomplishment for Princess Cruise.


