Shangri-La Nanjing - 南京香格里拉酒店

At Christmas, after we finished shooting in Nanchang, we went to shoot at the Shangri-La Nanjing. The hotel was located near the beautiful Xuanwu Lake only one stop on the metro to the Nanjing Train Station, one of the most prosperous areas in Nanjing.

We have worked for the Shangri-La hotels for many of years, this latest occasion we had 19 shots to shoot, the most numerous amount for one job. We were very exciting as it was the first time we got to shoot an up and running Shangri-La hotel opened to public and not a pre-opening shoot.

We were busy at work the second we arrived. The first day is always very important; as we need to communicate with hotel, choose the shooting angles and any special furnishings that the shot requires. Communication before shooting is very important, spending the time studying every detail so when it comes to the actual shot it is much easier.

For the ballroom shot, the client wanted to combine two of the spaces into one to make it bigger. Thanks to the Shangri-La’s excellent ability to execute an action, they promptly changed the wedding set up, to a classroom set up in a very short period of time. Without their speed and professional attention to detail we would not of had enough time to finish the shoot on that day.

When it came to shooting the exterior of the hotel, the previous shot having finished about 3pm, the sun was about to set. The short December daylight meant the sun could disappear at any moment. We had left the lights, stands and everything we did not need from the previous shot and took only the camera, lenses, the cable release and the camera bag as we rushed to the rooftop of the building on the ­next street and started shooting. With a most dramatic sky and complimentary weather conditions, we shot more than 200 photos. But we really suffered in the cold. The temperature was nearly zero degree and the wind was so strong to the point that Scott was cowering in a corner while Vincent put on the Shangri-La hotel bathrobe to keep himself warm during the small intermissions throughout the shoot.

Finally finishing at the Jiangnan Wok Restaurant, the Chinese restaurant of the hotel, we took a group photo to keep a memory of Nanjing.

This time on the job everything was all in a good condition, we had the perfect weather, clear sky and the hotel staffs were very helpful which was very much appreciated. Here are the photos we shot in Nanjing! 





当我们拍摄外景的时候, 前一个拍摄拍完已经是三点,但十二月的白天是那么的短,太阳那时已经低垂,感觉随时都有可能落下去的样子,我们留下了上一场景中,灯,架子等那些我们拍外景不需要的东西,只拿了脚架,快门线,相机镜头和相机包,立马奔向酒店对面的楼顶,开始拍摄。在这个黄金时段,天气给力的南京傍晚,我们拍下了两百余张素材,可是寒冷的空气却让大伙着实受罪,将近零度的气温加上楼顶凛冽的大风,让Scott在拍摄间隙窝在断墙角落躲避寒风,Vincent更是穿上了香格里拉酒店的浴袍御寒。。。
