Happy Chinese New Year !- 新年快乐!

Chinese New Year is coming! After a busy year working, have you gained much? Maybe you are planning to go home and reunite with your family for the holidays? Limelight Studio wishes you all a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year! Here we will show you the McDonald’s Chinese New Year Campaign photos we shot.

Here are the photos we shot for McDonald’s Special Chinese New Year Set. We took out the scarlet cloth, which we rarely use, for the shooting background. The cloth provides a warm, happy New Year atmosphere in this cold winter month of February.

春节的脚步已经临近,忙碌了一年,收获了多少,是否准备回家同家人团聚?Limelight Studio祝大家身体健康,万事如意!以下是我们为麦当劳中国新年套餐系列拍摄的照片。

这是Limelight Studio为麦当劳拍摄的中国新年套餐的照片,平时很少使用的红色背景布在这一特殊的时候终于有了用武之地,鲜艳的红在冬天的2月里营造出火热,喜庆,暖意融融的新年气氛。