A collection of worker portraits from Ultraviolet UV餐厅建筑工人组照

Worker Portraits.jpg

WHAT: A collection of worker portraits from the Ultraviolet (UV) construction

WHEN: 2010 -2012

WHERE: The building site of UV restaurant

WHY: This was another personal project of Limelight Studio that ran parallel with the 360-degree panorama of the building construction.

HOW: On select visits to the UV site, Limelight would grab workers on the scene and take a portrait using the door frame as a guide for consistency and composition. The concept of these shots was fairly simple: Limelight felt it was important to document individuals involved in this project. Keeping them in their uniforms, dirt on their face, and sometimes tools still in hand, Justin or Scott led the workers outside in front of the restaurant construction in progress and took their photograph. Later in post-production, a handful of portraits were chosen and composited to make the final image.

FUN FACT: Scott and Justin are in the composite as well. Can you spot them?

CAMERA: Canon EOS 5D Mark II with 24-70mm/2.8 lens

PHOTOGRAPHY: Limelight Studio | Scott Wright, Justin Chiu




拍摄缘由:这是Limelight Studio另一个私人拍摄项目与之前的360度全景建筑拍摄项目类似。

拍摄方法:整个UV餐厅的建筑情况是相当复杂繁琐的,时间跨度也很长。每当其中的某一部分完成时,Limelight Studio都会邀请一些工人师傅来为他们拍摄个人肖像以此留念。这组照片的拍摄概念十分简单但具有非凡意义。Limelight Studio的同仁也觉得为这群工作了两年之久建设出如此美轮美奂餐厅的工人师傅拍照具有十分重要意义。拍摄时,他们身着工作服,脸上还带有工作时的尘土,手里还攥紧建筑工具,这时他们最自然的状态,最能体现他们的纯真。只听见“咔嚓咔嚓”,就这样我们为他们记录下了一张张照片。然而在后期处理中,我们甄选了部分照片并加以合成构成最后的组照。


拍摄相机:佳能EOS 5D MarkII和24-70/2.8镜头

拍摄团队:Limelight Studio | Scott Wright, Justin Chiu