Ron Zacapa x Ultraviolet Video

Chef Paul Pairet, Creator of Ultraviolet

Chef Paul Pairet, Creator of Ultraviolet

Being known for making the best rum in the world is quite a big deal – and when it comes to celebrations, Guatemalan rum brand Ron Zacapa doesn't hold back on anything.

They first approached us with the event all planned out in collaboration with esteemed Shanghai restaurant Ultraviolet, led by French chef Paul Pairet.

While we are quite familiar with shooting in Ultraviolet, this was our first time being a part of a totally customized table seating. Everything was Ron Zacapa from the decorations to details to elements of the food. Throughout the 22 course dinner, it showed that the chefs had had an enormous creative freedom - incorporating the [Zacapa] 23 and X.O Rum in extreme creations of drinks and dishes.

Ron Zacapa wanted a total of three videos: one social media teaser to ‘wow’ the viewer, one internal video for employees of the distribution company Diageo and finally a longer documentary video explaining the collaboration and the tailored pairings more in detail.

As far as our shooting goes, we knew we had to do something special to capture the live event, while also maintaining the mobility to move in and out of rooms and weave through the tight spaces without getting in way of the specially catered meal. To be able to capture the entire event, we filmed from the back of a motorbike, mounted cameras in the ceiling, steadicams in the dining room and captured the process of all the tailored pairings being made in the kitchen. We also later went back for an in-depth interview with Chefs Paul Pairet and Greg Robinson to explain the creations, and representatives from Ron Zacapa to reflect on the collaboration.

Take a look below to view the social media teaser and the documentary versions:

一个享誉世界的顶级朗姆酒品牌具有强大的号召力,来自危地马拉的高端朗姆酒品牌- 萨凯帕朗姆酒在一场盛宴当中,又一次毫不保留地展示了该品牌无与伦比的独特魅力。

他们第一次与我们接触洽谈时就有意向邀请我们拍摄关于居住在沪多年的法国名厨Paul Pairet-由他创建的全球首家创意感官餐厅Ultraviolet,所共同打造一场名为“萨凯帕之夜”的感官盛宴视频



在一次次的拍摄过程中,我们知道拍摄创新的重要性,同时不能失去整体拍摄的流动性。为了能够捕捉到整个现场活动的盛景,我们采取多机位不同角度拍摄,有的从电动车后面进行取景跟拍,有的则在天花板上安装摄像机,有的则是在餐厅厨房中捕捉为Zacapa搭配餐点的料理制作过程。随后,我们还采访了UV创始人兼主厨Paul Pairet,以及Greg Robinson,邀请他们为这个充满创意的味觉感官飨宴做一个介绍。


Ron Zacapa x Ultraviolet Social Media Teaser

Ron Zacapa x Ultraviolet Documentary Video