SheShan Golf Estates 佘山国际高尔夫俱乐部拍摄

Sede Bella, the villa the room is in, was sold for over RMB 200 Million.

Sede Bella, the villa the room is in, was sold for over RMB 200 Million.

CLIENT: Sheshan Golf International Resort

WHAT: Country Villa promotional shots for real estate marketing and magazines

WHEN: October 2009

WHERE: Sheshan Golf Resort Country Villas

WHY: Just outside of the city limits, the Sheshan Golf Resort resides with beautiful greens to play and luxury real estate. There are three different themed villas; a French, a Spanish, and a Tuscan theme that give you a sense of living like a royal from that area. Limelight Studio was invited out to see these grounds as well as take photographs of the Country Villas.

HOW: The basic idea for these shots was to capture the luxury and beauty of these rooms. Minimal lighting was used. We decided on the use of natural daylight ambient from the grand windows. Once the camera was in place, we took a series of exposure brackets. Essentially this photograph were high-dynamic-range (HDR) images, where you capture the darkest and lightest color range of the photograph by taking a shot of the same image in multiple exposures to get the highest contrast in light and colors. Then, in postproduction, you layer and mask the multiple exposures together so the photograph has the chosen exposure and color for each portion of the image.

CAMERA: Canon 5D Mark II with 16-35mm lens

PHOTOGRAPHY TEAM: Limelight Studio | Scott Wright, Justin Chiu, Seira Wei



拍摄时间:2009 十月


拍摄缘由:佘山高尔夫度假村位于上海市的城市外围,除了有茂密的森林与一大片绿草如茵的草地,更有豪华的别墅坐落其中。其中有三种欧式别墅;法式,西班牙式和能让顾客感受到皇家居住品质的托斯卡纳式别墅。Limelight Studio获邀参观并且为乡村别墅拍了一组照片。


相机:Canon 5D Mark II和16-35镜头

摄影团队:Limelight Studio | Scott Wright, Justin Chiu, Seira Wei