Forever Young 童真依旧

Forever Young; a young boy and girl play in the sand in Byron Bay, Australia

Forever Young; a young boy and girl play in the sand in Byron Bay, Australia

PHOTO OF THE WEEK: Forever Young 童真依旧

WHAT: Two children playing on the beach

WHEN: 1996

WHERE: Byron Bay, New South Wales, Australia

WHY: Not far off in the distance during a day of relaxing on the beach, Scott observed some children relishing the day, making new friends and scavenging for sea creatures. He caught this moment right after these two free spirited kids, who were catching and running around with crabs, tried to give one as a gift to two others who were fully suited head to toe. The fully clothed children shrieked and ran off, while these other two stood there, confused by the refusal.

HOW: This shot was all about being at the right place at the right time, capturing that special moment between two playing children. This is one of Scott’s first shots and one of his favorites. Compositionally speaking, it is balanced with the rule of thirds, which is quite difficult to do especially when trying to capture a moment between children, an environment you can’t control. The color tint comes from the tungsten film that produces a strong blue cast when shooting outdoors.

CAMERA: Nikon FM2 35mm film SLR




拍摄地点 湾,新南威士,澳大利

拍摄缘由:在沙滩上休息了几乎一整天,Limelight Studio团队发现有一些小孩正在沙滩上玩耍,他们正在沙滩上寻觅乐趣并找到贝克海螺一起玩耍。我们抓拍到了其中两个小孩,他们正在追逐嬉戏。只见两个小孩尖叫着互相追逐表现出彼此好奇的眼神。

拍摄方法:拍摄此张照片最重要的就是需要在合适的地点以及适当的时机。这是Limelight Studio所拍摄的作品之中最喜欢的照片之一。从构图中可以见得,整个画面感比较均衡,要想获得这种平衡感十足得构图需要找到合适的时机来拍摄,因为环境你无法控制。而在色彩上,因为使用胶片得关系所以有一种蓝色得调子。

拍摄相机:尼康 FM2 35mm胶片机

摄影师:Scott Wright