Architectural Digest Magazine AD安邸家居杂志拍


CLIENT: Architectural Digest (AD) Magazine

WHAT: Interior shots of various homes

WHEN: 2011-2012

WHERE: Various homes scouted by AD Magazine and crowned some of the most beautiful architectural houses in China. Limelight covers many of the homes out of Shanghai.

WHY: Limelight Studio was asked by Architectural Digest China to join them in visiting some of the most architecturally interesting homes located in Shanghai and capturing their charming style.


HOW: When shooting interiors with AD, all shots for a home usually start mid-morning and end in the early afternoon (all within a single day). Stylist(s) with the magazine scout out the homes before hand and choose key aspects they want to highlight. Then, on the day of the shoot, Limelight will go through again with the stylist(s) and decipher which composition and angle will best represent each feature. Since these homes are chosen for their spread and charm, it is extremely important to have a natural feel, true to the color and lighting of the home, therefore minimal lighting is typically used when compared to our hotel interiors. 

CAMERA: Canon EOS-5D Mark II with 16-35mm/2.8, 24-70mm/2.8, 70-200mm/2.8 lens

PHOTOGRAPHY TEAM: Limelight Studio | Scott Wright, Justin Chiu

STYLISTS: Sharon Leece, Xinxi Sun




拍摄地点AD 安邸家居挑选了一系列设计感十足的房间,范围遍布全中国的一些城市

拍摄缘由Limelight StudioAD安邸家居邀请拍摄一系列设计感强烈,趣味十足的房间,纪录这些别具一格的设计风格,主要集中于上海这座城市。


拍摄方法:当与 AD安邸家居合作拍摄时,一间房屋的所有照片需要在一天之内拍完。AD杂志方面专门派遣一位造型设计师负责跟进此次拍摄,因为这样一来我们就可以和客户经行良好有效的沟通,也更清楚房间的哪些部分区域需要重点拍摄。然后在拍摄当天,Limelight Studio还将会仔细对房间经行一次检查,找出最佳的构图与拍摄角度。一旦选定这些房屋进行拍摄,运用自然光是十分重要的,最小输出的闪光灯也是必要的。

拍摄相机:佳能EOD5D MarkII16352470镜头

拍摄团队 Limelight Studio | Scott Wright, Justin Chiu

造型设计师Sharon Leece, Xinxi Sun
